You could say hybrid cars are the result of advanced technology produced by the automotive world, especially the car for now. Hybrid technology is a combination or a combination of a car engine fuel oil (BBM) with electric-powered machines. That's why hybrid cars have all the advantages that exist in the fuel-fueled cars and electric powered simultaneously. In addition, hybrid cars are also able to patch the weakness or the drawback that exist in each type of the engine. So be hybrid cars as a sophisticated car that is fuel efficient but still had a good performance on the road.
the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid cars
But although the outline of hybrid cars are better (having more kunggulan) of the non-hybrid cars were first there, but nonetheless still exist side-by-side minus the shortcomings of the hybrid car. Want to know what are the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid cars? Please refer to the information below:
Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid Cars
A) Excess (Excellence)
1. Efficient fuel (BBM)
The benefits or advantages of the first hybrid car is iritnya fuel consumption. When compared to non-hybrid cars, car fuel consumption hybrid technology is much more efficient. That is because the technology mix between fuel-fired engine with an electric powered engine adopted in hybrid cars able to patch or a complete lack of conventional engines which tend to be wasteful of fuel. But in spite of economical cars with hybrid technology is still capable of producing power and performance is quite large.
2. More Environmentally Friendly
In addition to fuel consumption becomes much more efficient, the combined technologies also make hybrid cars more friendly to the environment, because the exhaust gas or waste products of combustion produced relatively minimal.
3. Lack crackle Sound and Vibration
The benefits or advantages of hybrid cars next is minimal sound and vibration when the engine is turned on. Hybrid car is arguably deserted-silent car. So this car is perfect to take long trips, because we will not feel exhausted or tired during the trip.
B) The weakness (deficiency)
1. The price is Expensive
As for weaknesses or deficiencies of the first hybrid car is its price. If compared to the price of a conventional car (non hybrid) Hybrid car prices are still much more expensive. This is due to high production costs required to produce the car, because almost all the components of the hybrid car while it is still to be imported from abroad.
2. Maintenance Cost Expensive
Weakness or deficiency next hybrid car is an expensive treatment cost. In particular hybrid car maintenance machine is not as simple as conventional cars in general. And therefore, maintenance costs for hybrid cars are also much more expensive than non-hybrid car maintenance costs. Moreover, not many car service workshop in Indonesia who can perform service on the car with this hybrid technology, because constrained problem equipment.
3. Less suitable for areas prone to flooding
And weakness or lack of the latter is a hybrid car this car is less suitable to be ridden in areas prone to flooding. Although such konvensionalpun car, but conventional cars still tend to be compromised in the face of natural conditions. As for hybrid cars, electrical components or circuits are used in the car are particularly at risk when exposed to a puddle of water let alone the flood. And if that happens, the result would be fatal.
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